Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thinking Locally In Columbus, Ohio

My recent forays into becoming a greener me have led me to explore what it means to think locally and become an educated locavore.

I'll post some of my favorite brands, restaurants, markets and small businesses as well as links to local resources.

I have many inspirations to thank for my heightened interest in becoming a more integrated member of my community. Organizations such as the Small Business Beanstalk and encourage Ohioans to choose local options for food and business. You might have also noticed the slogan "Think Globally, Act Locally" popping up more frequently (I believe even the "Welcome to Gahanna" sign boasts these words).

I am sensing that on the coat tails of the ever-growing green and organic movements is this notion of sustainability and localism. "Locavore" was the Oxford English Dictionary's 2007 word of the year. So yeah, it's been around for a few years, but I think it's expanding more and more.

There is a lot to understand with localism and stick with me while I explore it more and try to implement it in my life!

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